Data Loader

Data Loader the most easy  and simple way to migrate data between different Databases and  CSV / Text Files

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Data Loader is a simple yet powerful tool to import and export Data between many common formats. Current Data Loader Version supports MySQL, Oracle, MS Access, Excel, FoxPro, DBF files and CSV / Delimited or Flat Files. You can use Data Loader to transfer data from one database format to another database format. While transferring you can filter columns and specify WHERE conditions

 New Version 4.7 Released (Download Free Trial Version Now)

Convert your databases in minutes. In just simple steps Data Loader can convert Tables, Schemas, Constraints, Indexes and data.  It also supports Auto Increment columns.

Save time in writing programs. Pays you back several times than what you spend

Using Bulk Loading Data Loader can load millions of millions of rows in just a few minutes. It leverages vendor native libraries to make it as tight as possible. 

New Features in Version 4.7

New Features in Version 4.6

 New Features in Version 4.5

 New Features in Version 4.1

Data Loader 4.1 supports Constraints and Indexes. It can Export and Import Primary Keys, Unique Keys, Foreign Keys, NOT NULL and Default Values.

Now Data Loader also supports BULK INSERT method to load data into MS SQL Server databases. This method greatly improves the performance and one can load millions of rows in very less time.

 New Features in Version 4.0


 New Features in Version 3.6.1

  New Features in Version 3.6

  New Features in Version 3.5

  New Features in Version 3.0

Data Loader will watch for files in a folder at specified intervals and then load the data from filenames matching specified pattern into tables automatically.  More...

  New Features added in Version 2.5

And as usual Data Loader comes with it's own in built Scheduler. No need to run jobs repeatedly. Just start a Session define the Schedule Date and Time and Data Loader will automatically executes your session in the background and records the actions in a specified logfile. You can check the logfile to check the result.

The Data Loader uses Repository to Store Sessions. It provides Options to Create a new repository in case the current repository has become damaged or lost, to take backup of existing Repository and to restore repository from a backup location.

You can manage existing sessions through Manage Sessions Form. From here you can the see the Status of existing sessions, Edit, Run, Delete or View Logfile of individual Sessions.


You Can use Data Loader to Convert / Transfer Data between

(Download Free Trial Version Now)