Need to convert MySQL / MariaDB to Oracle or Oracle to MySQL / MariaDB? You've have come to the right place. Our tool can convert databases in just a few mouse clicks. No need to write a single piece of code. It automatically converts tables, views, indexes, schemas, constraints, default values and of course data.
It can also load data into existing tables with full column mapping
support. Unlike other tools which just creates and loads data into new
tables, Data Loader can be used to load data into existing tables with
different table names and column names.
It comes with its own scheduler to perform conversion jobs
automatically at your specified intervals. You just need to create
a Session define the execution Date and Time interval and Data Loader
will automatically execute your session in the background and records
the actions in a specified log file.
Synchronization: Do you need to Sync data between Oracle and MySQL tables or Vice Versa? Then look no further, our tool is capable of synchronizing data between Oracle and MySQL or MySQL and Oracle tables. i.e. it will automatically update changed rows, insert new rows and deletes deleted rows automatically at your given interval.
Since its launch 20 years ago, our converter tool has gone into continues improvement and changes to meet the demand of customers and still improving
Major Features
Data Loader migrates Constraints and Indexes. It can migrate Primary Keys, Unique Keys, Foreign Keys, NOT NULL and Default Values.
Data Loader also supports BULK INSERT and BULK LOAD methods to load data into MySQL and Oracle databases. This method greatly improves the performance and one can load millions of rows in very less time.
Basic conversion can be done in simple steps
And as usual Data Loader comes with it's own in built Scheduler. No need to run jobs repeatedly. Just start a Session define the Schedule Date and Time and Data Loader will automatically executes your session in the background and records the actions in a specified logfile. You can check the logfile to check the result.
The Data Loader uses Repository to Store Sessions. It provides Options to Create a new repository in case the current repository has become damaged or lost, to take backup of existing Repository and to restore repository from a backup location.
You can manage existing sessions through Manage Sessions Form. From here you can the see the Status of existing sessions, Edit, Run, Delete or View Logfile of individual Sessions.
CREATE VIEW `mv` AS select `emp`.`EMPNO` AS `empno`, cast((case `emp`.`COMM` when 1 then 'One' when 2 then 'Two' else 'NotSal' end) as decimal(10,0)) AS `Comm`, cast((case `emp`.`SAL` when 100 then 'Hundred' when 200 then 'Two Hundred' end) as decimal(10,0)) AS `salary`, cast(`emp`.`JDATE` as datetime) AS `jdate` from `emp`
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mv as select empno, TO_NUMBER(DECODE(comm,1,'One',2,'Two','NotSal')) as Comm, TO_NUMBER(DECODE(sal,100,'Hundred',200,'Two Hundred')) as salary, (jdate) as jdate from emp
CREATE VIEW `mview_filter2` AS select `emp`.`EMPNO` AS `empno`, cast((case `emp`.`COMM` when 1 then 'One' when 2 then 'Two' else 'NotSal' end) as decimal(10,0)) AS `Comm`, (`emp`.`JDATE` + interval 20 day) AS `NewDate`, cast((case `emp`.`SAL` when 100 then 'Hundred' when 200 then 'Two Hundred' end) as decimal(10,0)) AS `salary` from `emp`
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "MVIEW_FILTER2" as select empno, TO_NUMBER(DECODE(comm,1,'One',2,'Two','NotSal')) as Comm, jdate + 20 as NewDate, TO_NUMBER(DECODE(sal,100,'Hundred',200,'Two Hundred')) as salary from emp
CREATE VIEW `mview_filter21` AS select `emp`.`EMPNO` AS `empno`, cast((case `emp`.`COMM` when 1 then 'One' when 2 then 'Two' else 'NotSal' end) as decimal(10,0)) AS `Comm`, (`emp`.`JDATE` - interval -(20) day) AS `NewDate`, cast((case `emp`.`SAL` when 100 then 'Hundred' when 200 then 'Two Hundred' end) as decimal(10,0)) AS `salary` from `emp`
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "MVIEW_FILTER21" as select empno, TO_NUMBER(DECODE(comm,1,'One',2,'Two','NotSal')) as Comm, jdate-20 as NewDate, TO_NUMBER(DECODE(sal,100,'Hundred',200,'Two Hundred')) as salary from emp
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